Tag Archives: Medan

Travelogue, Pt. 2: Medan, Wedding Edition

15 Jan

I’m half-asleep, but I feel that since I’m one of the few folks from back home to attend the wedding, I have an obligation to post photos quickly.

The wedding ceremony itself was held at the Mawar Sharon Church, which is at the top floor of the Mata Hari mall, or Sun Plaza. I thought the ceremony was pretty moving. Words can’t begin to express how I feel … because I’m half-asleep and incoherent. Anyway, here’s a quick sampler:

Travelogue, Pt. 1: Medan (Updated)

14 Jan

Today marks my second day in Medan, the third largest city in Indonesia. Wikipedia can give a much better overview of Medan than I can, but for what it’s worth, here are some of what I think are the city’s salient points: lots of hustle and bustle, really great food, thriving Chinese community (Hokkien dialect spoken here), traffic congestion, many religious sites with a surprisingly large proportion belonging to Christian churches.

I am pretty shy with my camera, mainly because the DSLR attracts a lot of attention. Hopefully I will get over that and take photos of more people and make a more cohesive photo storyline. For one, I’ll try to record highlights of a very good family friend’s wedding tomorrow. Till then, enjoy the following —

Addendum: I should explain some things.

Photo 1 | I’m patting myself on the back for this one, just because the word “Medan” is in the shot. Anyway, you can see fruit stands like this everywhere, and this fruit (salak, or palm fruit) is particularly popular.

Photo 5 | Kari bihun, or 咖喱米粉 (gali mifen), or curry noodles. These were delicious to the highest power. As a memory note more for myself than anyone else, the guy who got our check was wearing red wooden platforms that clockclockclocked against the linoleum floor.

Photo 6 | This is an overview of the city from my hotel room.

Photo 7 | I don’t think there are many rickshaws, or becak, in my family’s hometown anymore. Nice to see their splash of color here.

Addendum 2: The following are some photos from this evening. I’ve also decided that I do not like it when Flickr sharpens my photos, so I’m wondering about other photo hosting options.

Photo 1A | Mie pangsit, or noodles with dumplings, with the soup stock in the back. Also delicious, but it’s still second place compared to the curry noodles pictured above.

Photo 2A | Young boy eating martabak, behind one of the many food stands on the street.

Photo 3A | Durian is the king of all fruits.